Saturday, January 31, 2009

Random Thoughts

I think I have maybe 3 actual friends, 10 or so acquaintances I'm friendly with, 20 or so more people I'm kind of neutral with, and a good deep loathing for just about anyone else. I don't hate people specifically, only in general. Face it, people do stupid stupid things for stupid stupid reasons.

I've been told I should look into becoming a politician as I seem to be able to speak clearly and with candor and have some decent ideas. People who tell me this obviously don't actually listen to the words that come from my mouth, as me being in charge of anything would be a very bad idea. I should not be in control of anything more influential than the TV remote. I have no tact.

I've been told I should do stand up, as people seem to think what I say is humorous. I really just say what's on my mind. I don't think I'm all that funny. I also don't think I care enough what people think about me to stand in front of an audience. I would probably offend many people. Maybe this isn't such a bad idea.

I think most Floridians are self absorbed douche bags. Any time I go to Ybor, I feel like this is confirmed.

The "guys in skinny jeans" trend makes me want to throw punches. Knock it off. Seriously. Wear clothes that fit properly and quit being girls.

Speaking of wearing clothes that fit properly...quit buying the over-sized clothing so you can look cool in the hood. Tall people like myself need these clothes as they actually fit. I'm tired of my options being limited to bad Hawaiian shirts and ill fitting pants when I actually decide I need more clothes.

I feel anyone who wears boxer-briefs are indecisive about their position in life. Boxers or briefs, man. It's not that big a deal.

I am tired of women complaining they end up with assholes when they essentially go out with the express purpose of finding one. You want a guy that respects you? Don't go to the bar and act like an airhead. Problem solved.

I blame Girls Gone Wild commercials for my inability to take the Steel Drum seriously as a musical instrument.

Can anyone tell me what Samuel L. Jackson's actual age is? That dude's like Dick Clark (pre-stroke.)


Denier said...

Hey, long time no see/hear.

Serge A. Storms said...

It has been a while. I've been meaning to read through your blog again, but I haven't found much time for anything.