You guys remember Kurt Loder? For those that don't, Kurt Loder is the current head of the MTV News department. He's been a staple of the MTV News since the late 80s and is apparently close friends with Madonna. His big news moment was being the first person to break the news of Kurt Cobain's suicide. He's also a contributing editor of Rolling Stone Magazine and co-wrote the Tina Turner biography.
Kurt Loder is also a complete idiot.
See, my college shows Fox News on all the televisions. Why? No idea. I guess they want to lighten the break area up with some fiction. Anyway, as I stepped in the doors of the school not 10 minutes ago, one of the 'eye candy' anchors that the news channels have hired to boost ratings was interviewing Mr. Loder. Why? Because Kurt Loder is railing against universal health care.
Kurt Loder. Speaking against universal health care. I figure some HMO dropped some coin in his pocket to try to appeal to the 'MTV Generation' and make the concept of socialized health care seem 'uncool.' All he's doing is sitting there spewing the same bullshit dogma we keep hearing about waiting lists and tax hikes, except making it insulting by saying that "young people don't understand it's not free."
According to most sources, the MTV Generation includes the tail end of Generation X and the first crop of Generation Y, essentially those born in the latter half of the 70's and the beginning of the 80s. I fall into the first half. And I'm not an idiot.
Everyone knows that in order to get government provided health care, taxes will increase. Everyone also knows that - even with employee benefits - you have to pay for health care through insurance anyway. To have Kurt Loder, who has about as much social impact as Dustin Diamond, go on Fox News and start preaching like he's a man of importance about an issue to which he has no frame of reference is moronic. Everyone knows about the 'waiting list' issue. What they don't tell you is the 'waiting lists' are for elective surgeries. The procedures that are critical get taken care of when they need to. The ones that can wait go on a list. It's better than having to wait for the OK from an insurance company that doesn't want to part with your money for something you need.
In closing, they need to put Kurt Loder back under the Viacom rock they found him under and never ask his opinion on anything of political and social relevance again.
Thank you, and good night.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
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Isn't Loder getting a little old for the MTV generation? That's kind of sad. He always had that smug expression that seemed to say he knew more than you did. I do have a book of his Bat Chain Puller that isn't terrible writing, mainly because he had decent taste in music, so there's stuff on Iggy Pop, pretenders, etc. I never knew his politics, but he seems to be parroting the right wing talking points pretty well. They're always going on about the waiting, as if now we can just breeze into a doctor's office and be in and out in 15 minutes, chatting amiably with the Doc as he gives you his full concentration. Hey, you're gonna wait no matter what system you have, and it's not like the system we have right now is working! how many people die because of misdiagnoses by incompetent doctors, how in bed with the pharma companies are these guys so that every solution is an expensive drug that probably has worse side effects than what it's supposed to cure you of. It's Kafkaesque when you think about it. Like you said, it's follow the money: the Bushies spread propaganda money all over the place, billions and billions of dollars in iraq on fake news stories, billions here to lackeys like Armstrong Williams paid to pimp their Leave No Child Behind programs, on and on it goes. All that money could go into actual ways to improve people's lives or to healthcare or education, but they'd much rather drop bombs on third world peoples' heads.
yeah, it's like the people that complain about some work they have to do, when they could have had it finished in the time it takes to complain about it. The whole thing is ridiculous.
That lilt in Loder's chest-heavy voice always sounded smug.
It's amazing the lengths rethuglicans go to in order to demonize UHC. Their skill at getting average people to vote against their own interests is incredible.
What they can't convince, they can always rig in their favor.
Do you guys get Air America Radio down there? Its at least a voice in the wilderness, with some progressive voices. Do you know Lionel, Randi Rhodes, they used to have Mike Malloy. At least it's somewhat of a balance to the rest of the AM radio crap with Lame-baugh, O'Liely, etc. Good to know it's there even if you don't always listen. Lionel is pretty good, he even brings up 9/11 sometimes in terms of the official story being unlikely.
I seriously can't remember the last time I listened to the radio, with the exception of the Latino station just for shits and giggles. The rest of the time I'm on CD. Max might know though.
Yeah, I'm the same way with music, just listen to my own stuff. I can't think of a single decent radio station up here. It's either classic rock, rap, oldies or soft stations. There are some decent college stations like Fordham University's, which is actually decent. I think you can get it online at
Other than a single community station, it is a vast wasteland here as well. That is, it's probably cool if you like to listen to the same eight or nine Corporo-Rock Tunes that are the current flavor of the month.
No Air America here! Just a cornucopia of rightwing noise. The community station I mentioned (you can hear it online at does carry the Laura Flanders Show, which I try to catch whenever possible. It's funny you mention Lionel; he got his start on the radio here in Tampa at 970WFLA (which is now a rightwing nest of vipers.) I'm talking back in the 80's.
I look forward to the day when Air America is in as many markets as Rush Addict and Hannity and their ilk. They say there isn't as big market for progressive radio, which is a huge lie.
Lionel was on nights here on WOR-TV, now he's on daytime Air America from 9-12pm, when no one is really listening to the radio! Laura Flanders is pretty good, I think she's on weekends here. Speaking of corporo-rock we have a station here called Q104.3 that plays the same songs by the same artists over and over. I mean, there's nothing wrong with listening to Hendrix, but does it always have to be either Purple Haze or All Along the Watchtower. Can't you to into the back catalog a bit. And every three or four hours you know it's coming: either Stairway to Heaven, Free Bird or Layla. Thanks to Clear Channel that's all we got. See, just about everything that sucks can ultimately be blamed on conservative greedheads.
Oh yeah, One thing I've been meaning to ask is do you two guys know each other outside the blogosphere? Whereabouts do you live? I've got a good friend in Boca Raton and another in Tarpon Springs. Have a great weekend, guys.
Yeah, we're old high school buddies. We live in Brandon, a suburb 20 minutes east of Tampa. Formerly cow pastures and orange groves, Brandon has been exploding into a thrilling collection of strip malls, apartment complexes and fastfood joints. Progress!
Tarpon is maybe an hour north. Very cool little town with lots of character. Is your friend Greek by any chance? There's a large Greek community there, which of course means it's the best place around to grab a gyro!
Same here w/corporate radio. A million great Hendrix tunes to choose from, and it's Purple Haze, maybe Fire if you're lucky. My personal favorite Hendrix are the blues numbers, like his instrumental cover of "Born Under a Bad Sign." Nine minutes of searing guitar action!
Clear Channel is almost single-handedly running radio into the ground! Media consolidation in general is godawful and is sucking the soul out of the public airwaves. It's like cable teevee: sure, you get way more channels, but 98% of it is homogenized crap. Corporate news parroting whatever they're supposed to say, reality shows chronicling every inane detail in the life of some insipid celebrity, shows featuring quick-witted cops solving murder mysteries wile they trade stock barbs and make ironic comments...etc etc. I could go on bitching forever, so I'll spare you guys.
you enjoy the weekend also sir. Serge, don't forget. Birthday cookout tomorrow 8-18. There will be beer....
Max - Still need an apartment #. I know you're not far from Beef, and I have no problem knocking on random doors til I find the right one, but that's a lot of stairs and my attempts to quit smoking haven't been very successful.
Also, if it weren't for ClearChannel, I'd probably still have a sweet gig doing freelance band interviews. Bastards.
And for me, Hendrix doesn't get much better than Red House. Love that one.
Max, funny you mention Greek, because I'm the Greek one! My friend Tony grew up with me in Astoria, Queens, NY, which is literally like a little Athens, or at least it used to be before an influx of yuppie/bohemian types trying to make it like Williamsburg instead of the working class blue collar nabe it used to be. now you have some organic food stores, expensive boutiques, trendy restaurants, and of course rising rents and prices in general. what do they add to the neighborhood. now you see these high rise condos or whatever the fuck they are going up all over the place, usually ugly cookie cutter box structures. i don't know, you try not to hate on people but sometimes they make it easy for you, like the people who wait on line to pay 600 for a new iPhone! Good little corporate automotons, if I spelled that right, if not that let's say robots...Corporations will indeed take as much of our souls as they can get away with taking. The sad thing is how people willingly give it away! I never got that. Show a little dignity, a little pride, think for yourself man.
BTW I've been down to spongetown, which i think is that Greek spot you're talking about. My good buddy moved down there in the early '90s and loves it. he was injured in a construction accident, got a settlement and moved down there. Last yr. we had an astoria reunion and he came up. he's wheelchair bound but doesn't let that stop him from living his life to the fullest.
Agree Hendrix Blues CD is killer, with some long extended blues jams.
Axis Bold as Love my favorite overall by Jimi.
With Clear Channel, the homogenization of America continues, every town looking and sounding the same, with every town having the same chain stores (Starbucks, Gap, Home Depot, etc.), with the same radio station formats and playlists. No underground, no alternative, just the same corporate approved groups shoved down our throats. the same wacky morning shows with the dumb gossip and vulgarity and the fake laughter and edginess.
I too could go on bitching and moaning, but even we "far left bombthrowers" (as o'reilly calls bloggers that don't agree with him) need to give it a rest once in a while. Enjoy those brews, fellas. Will be hitting Rockaway Beach on Sunday as per usual, working on my frisbee skills and my tan. LAter...
I agree that corporations enjoy far too much latitude in this country. The relaxation of media outlet ownership in particular is worrisome as having just a handful of massive conglomerates acting as the information gatekeepers can only be a bad thing. There is no paucity of 24 hour "news" channels on television, yet if you look long and hard for differences in content and tone you won't find many. They're all covering more or less the same topics, and they're all saying more or less the same things about them. The only one that's significantly different is Fox News, and we all know to which side of the "center" they fall.
The internet could save of from this glut of homogenized media, if we don't allow it to be ruined like previous broadcast mediums (radio, tv.) Net neutrality has already been threatened, and each time the public has protested vociferously, which means that next time the corporate lobbyists will be back with more money and new, "improved" public relations slogans.
I'm sure it will fall under the same claptrap that usually comes with these things, though this time it will be a 'breeding ground for terrorist activities which needs to be closely monitored and regulated.' I wouldn't be surprised if that becomes a direct quote within the next month.
👍 This guy is a smug idiot
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